Intentional Studying

Murder Study System

Mood-Set a positive mood for yourself to study in by selecting appropriate time, environment, and attitude.

Understand-Mark any information you don’t understand. Keep focus on one unit or group of exercises.

Recall-After studying the unit, stop and put what you have learned in your own words.

Digest-Go back to what you did not understand and reconsider the information. Contact professor, TA’s or tutors if you do not understand.

Expand-How does the material apply to something you’re interested in? How could you make this information exciting and understandable to other students?

Review-Go over material you have covered and review what strategies helped you understand.

Students working at a white board

Student studying on a laptop

Planning Your Time

  • Long Term Schedule
  • Only includes fixed events and commitments
  • Jobs, classes, tests, meetings
  • Weekly Schedule
  • A short list of major events and amounts of work that need to be done
  • These events will change from week to week
  • Daily Schedule
  • Make a specific daily schedule before each day
  • Write down specifically what you need to accomplish and cross it off when you complete it

More Tips

  • Schedule study time when you are energized
  • Combine things (TV and shows)
  • Don’t be a perfectionist, sometimes it won’t all fit– and it’s okay!
  • If you must cram…
  • Accept the fact that you won’t be able to study everything
  • Read through your class notes and mark ideas that are important
  • Prepare catchwords or phrases to recall the material, and then memorize the points using the method of repeated self testing
  • Your purpose is to try and guess correctly many ideas that your instructor may put on the exam

Students studying at Grainger Library



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